Planted And Flourishing

Planted And Flourishing

15 Seasons

People are like plants, we can’t grow all on our own. We need food, we need water and we need to be cared for. Being planted in God’s Word means we don’t just visit God’s Word occasionally but we plant ourselves in His Word. To plant ourselves in God’s Word means we read it, ask God to speak to us through it, obey what He says and live our lives from the truth of His Word. Just like the vine and the branches, we stay connected to Him. Then we will grow roots deep in His Word and flourish.

This three lesson Hillsong Kids BIG Curriculum includes full interactive teaching, craft, engaging videos, activity sheets, parent resources, scripture, social media resources and worship. Includes 4 worship experiences: 1-3 year olds, 4-7 year olds, 8-12 year olds and additional needs. Discover how you can be planted and flourish. Be planted in God's Word, stay connected to God to flourish, and let your roots grow deep in God.

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Planted And Flourishing