Milestones - Salvation, Baptism, Communion

Milestones - Salvation, Baptism, Communion

15 Seasons

We have all kinds of milestones in our lives that remind us of how far we’ve come and where we are at in our journey. Taking your first steps, your first day of school, losing your first tooth, your first word, and there’s so many to come. There’s also spiritual milestones that are a cause for celebration. When we choose to follow Jesus that is an important milestone, but it doesn’t end there. As we keep growing in our faith, we have other milestones along the way.

Discover three important Christian milestones – Salvation, baptism, and communion. Salvation is accepting Jesus as your Saviour. Baptism is declaring new life with Christ. Communion is remembering all that Jesus has done for us.

This three lesson Hillsong Kids BIG Curriculum includes full interactive teaching, craft, engaging videos, activity sheets, parent resources, scripture, social media resources and worship. Includes 4 worship experiences: 1-3 year olds, 4-7 year olds, 8-12 year olds and additional needs.

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Milestones - Salvation, Baptism, Communion